Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Recipe of the week ~ Lobster Bites

Last week I hosted some of my very best girlfriends for a girls night at my home. I'd been looking forward to this evening since last month's girls supper and had really been counting down the days for way too long.

Don't get me wrong there wasn't anything particularly special about this evening, it's just being a wife and mom I find that I appreciate my time with my girls oh so much more than I ever thought possible. Long gone are the days of every night being a girls night... but then again so are the mornings kicked off with Tylenol and a trip to McDonald's drive thru. Thank goodness!

Of course we do still know how to enjoy a good glass (or bottle) of wine. And as I surveyed the number of empty bottles of wine and champagne after everyone had gone home I began to wonder if at some point my wine glasses had been replaced with something a bit more like the ones in this photo...

But this post isn't about our wine consumption (yes I stuck with my pregnancy required 5ish oz. of champagne) or even what a wonderful, hilarious evening we had. No, today's post is about a fun, easy and extremely tasty appetizer that I sincerely hope you'll try!

As I began planning the evening's menu early that week I wanted to offer a few light appetizers as the other girls were bringing cheese and dessert. I have several appetizers that I routinely make for evenings such as this but frankly they all seemed a little stale and boring. This offered a great opportunity to try something new!

As I was going through my file of appetizer ideas I stumbled upon a small little recipe booklet that I'd received in a guest gift bag given to me by a long time friend at her wedding. She and her husband, like so many of my early DC friends, have long since moved away. And, although I hardly ever see them I think about her and her hilarious husband and their precious little boy often. So a BIG thank you for your friendship and for this fun new find!

I will most certainly return to this recipe often as it would be great year round and in only my first attempt it was a huge hit! In fact I ended up emailing the recipe to the girls the next morning after so many of them asked for it.

Lobster Bites
Makes about 20

1 8oz. tube crescent rolls, sliced into 2 inch squares
4 TBS Salted butter, melted
10 oz. lobster meat, cooked and cut into small bites

Preheat oven to 375 degrees and grease 2 12-hole mini-muffin pans with cooking spray.

Once you've cooked the lobster meat let cool in the melted butter.

Press a crescent roll square into bottom and up sides of each hole. Baste with butter and put one lobster cube in each hole. Baste with sherry and again with butter. Sprinkle tops with paprika. Bake for 12-15 minutes.

I hope you'll give this a try at your next party! It's super easy and quick but tastes so rich, buttery and utterly scrumptious.



Sandi said...

be more specific about the lobster meat. Did you buy a lobster and boil it and pick out the meat? Is it canned raw lobster that then has to be cooked? help me here.

Ouiser B. said...

Good Question Mamere! I actually bought 5 2 oz. lobster tails. I steamed them for just a couple of minutes. After they cooled I removed the shells, washed/trimed them and chopped up the meat.