Friday, October 23, 2009

Football Friday ~ UT vs. Missouri

I honestly don't have too much to say about this week's game, other than to remind you about it in the first place. This week the Longhorns are away from home playing Missouri.

And although it may seem like I'm obsessed with college football I'm not really, other than flipping through the week's games a little every Saturday. And since I don't really harbor any like or dislike of Missouri I haven't bothered to learn much about their team this year... okay, really any year.

Never the less I hope that Mack Brown and the team play better than they did last week. Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased as punch that we beat Oklahoma (and attempting to be a respectful daughter I didn't rub it in at all when I talked to Mamere) but it wasn't a pretty game.

So in short -- don't forget to tune in on Saturday for the game. Kick off is at 7pm in Columbia, MO and is being aired on ABC.

Texas Fight!


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