I hope you had a wonderful weekend, I know I did! It was a bit busier than a normal weekend in our house so it seemed to fly by. Luckily, Sunday afternoon and evening (always my favorite part of the weekend) was spent with just DH and our little one so that made it all the more enjoyable. As we prepare for baby fig's arrival (we've been calling him fig until we share his official name) I'm reminded how quickly babies change. It's so amazing to watch our little one, now almost 16 months old as he learns and experiences everything around him. I have a bit more understanding as to why I still catch mamere occasionally staring at me. And while it still annoys me just as it did when I was a child, I can understand and appreciate the reasoning much better now.
How did I ever get so off topic in the first paragraph?! Oh dear...
Last night I finished the second book in the Lytton Family Saga, Something Dangerous. In case you missed it you can read my review of the first book, No Angel in this earlier post.
If I was on the fence about the series before I'm utterly engaged now! A point I made to DH last night which he found quite amusing seeing as I'm already two thirds of the way through the series. Honestly I really have been enthralled the entire time just often frustrated by the character's behavior. I guess it would hardly make for very compelling reading if everyone made the "right" decision all the time.
Something Dangerous continues to follow our lead character Lady Celia Lytton, her husband Oliver and their rapidly growing family. However, this book focuses more in depth on her children's generation- their coming of age, marriages, careers, families and of course their own terrible mistakes and personal shortcomings. However disappointed I was in some of the choices made in No Angel I seemingly with out reason have more sympathy for some of the same mistakes made in Something Dangerous. I'm not sure if it is due to the fact I've become more involved (for lack of a better word) with the characters and their family saga or just somewhat desensitized to the similar choices in this second generation. Whatever the reason it was much easier for me to read.
The story begins in 1928, continues through WWII and ends with a bit of a surprise in the Autumn of 1946. It's amazing that as the book has seen us through nearly fifty years of change so many of the characters find themselves in somewhat similar predicaments. It's a good reminder to listen to your parents, they do in fact know a few things. I was continually amazed by the timeless wisdom of Lady Beckenham, Celia's mother. Even in her late 80's she is shockingly non-judgemental and the one character that seems to have an unflexible set of beliefs. While these beliefs are often questioned by both the characters and the reader they never fail to make the most sense and when followed seem to guide those on the receiving end onto a much happier path.
I wasn't at all surprised by whom I found to be my favorite character in No Angel because he was dashing, handsome, honest, headstrong, loving and sincere. I was however shocked by my favorite character in Something Dangerous. For some still to be determined reason I found myself strangely caring for and terribly worried about the arrogant, childish, selfish and extremely needy character who caused more than his fare share of problems in the first book. I won't go into the phycological reason this may be I'll just leave it with the idea that even the (so called) worst characters are compelling in certain ways. Every one of the characters struggle with their own issues, difficult choices and seemingly no end to their family's drama.
I highly recommend reading this series, and if like me you struggle with No Angel you will be rewarded with Something Dangerous. It's just as juicy and racy as the first book but somehow didn't shock me as much this time.
The moment I finished the book last night I rushed to my computer and put in a request online at my local library for Into Temptation, the third and sadly final book in this series. Although the system found four available copies, of course none were at the branch nearest me. I'm hoping it will only take a day or two for the transfer. I'm so eager to get reading!!
Happy Reading!
just to let you know it is psychological.
I knew I should have used spellcheck! thanks mamere...
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