Disclaimer: I am sorely lacking in the technology department, both in knowledge and frankly interest.
I'm not sure why I even need to begin with the above statement as we all know it's basically my mother and mother in law reading this blog, both of whom already know this about me. Never the less I admit it, I'm a girl and don't care much about the latest gadget on display at Best Buy. In fact, it really wasn't until the arrival of DH in my life that I started appreciating all that technology had to offer. Of course he still makes fun of the little 19 in. television I had when we were dating. Although he did watch several a baseball and football game without complaining at the time. No surprise that little guy has long since departed to be replaced with a very large (no clue the size) flat screen, surround sound, dvr, dvd, wii, playstation and one more game system I can't seem to remember at the moment.
However, this post is NOT a rant it is in fact a rave! I really do enjoy and appreciate all of the techy stuff DH has introduced me to. It's amazing how nice Edward Cullen looks in HD :).
Speaking of the Twilight series, a few weeks ago I found myself at my neighborhood Best Buy browsing the dvd section, knowing full well that despite my embarrassment, I was going to walk out with Twilight, a 2 disk special featuring all sorts of extras. While in the store I wondered over to the near by ipod section. I should also admit that I'm fairly positive I'm the last remaining person under 30... eek, scratch that under 35 that still owns the ipod shuffle and not even one of the more advanced models. But that's okay I love my little shuffle, a great gift from DH several years ago. So, what did my eyes behold? A fancy little contraption that connects my ipod to my car radio. That's right folks, no longer would I have to listen to that awful morning radio while driving DH to the office, or just plain bad music while running errands during the day. I was immediately smitten!
I should probably also admit that while I made this discovery over a month ago, I debated about whether I should even blog about this for two reasons 1) I'm sure I'm the last person on the planet to make said discovery. 2) I'm betting that most people who've bought a new car in the last five years has this feature standard in their car. However, when I was thoroughly enjoying Cowboy Mouth's "Jenny Says" this morning I thought, what the heck. It has made my day so much more enjoyable if I can introduce this to even one person it'll be worth the embarrassment.
So, if by chance this is a new concept for you, I hope you'll make the trip to your local best buy (not necessarily a plug for best buy, but are there even any competing stores still in business?) and check out the cool car connectors that they have to offer. I can guarantee you that this one little piece of technology will vastly improve your driving experience!
And for those of you with the Nano or IPhone yes, they have more advanced connectors just for you and your fancy high tech toys! :)
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