Even though I've lived on the East Coast for more than ten years now (10th anniversary was in August!) I spent the previous 20+ years (no need for exact #s here people) in Texas and am therefore used to summer lasting through September and well into October before the "chill" of fall sets in (did you just think of George Strait's Chill of an Early Fall? really?? Me too! now it's stuck in my head and you can hear it by clicking the link) and we start seeing temps drop into the say, upper 70's.... bbrrrrrr. Wow that was a long (and as my computer's thesaurus would say "too wordy") sentence. Thank goodness I have no editor.
Anyway, my point is that it's chilly here in DC and I love it! I've got the a/c off and all of our windows open as I enjoy the nice breeze. I can tell you this is very unusual for me! Again it may be the Texas girl in me but I am a lover of a/c ... yes, year round. I try to keep our thermostat at 68 degrees at all times and love to have the down comforter on our bed all the time. Perhaps I've shared too much for a "Recipe of the week" post. I'll move along now...
While Fall is in fact my favorite season it's hard to say it's my favorite culinary season because I genuinely have favorites in Spring, Summer and Winter (although I do tend to lump fall and winter together when it comes to cooking). I actually get excited for spring asparagus and summer tomatoes and corn but with fall comes homey, warm, and probably a bit rich and excessive flavors. Thank goodness for winter sweaters and other wonderfully bulky clothes!
Here comes the one and only health disclaimer so pay attention....Today's recipe is the epitome of rich and excessive flavors and is a good reminder that we should practice self restraint and moderation in our eating habits. If you want the nutritional breakdown of this recipe you can find it here. I'm not going to add it to this post because just looking at the list of ingredients you can imagine for yourself. May I suggest that this is a fabulous dish to serve to a big crowd so that you can take a reasonably sized portion, savor every mouthful and then give away the leftovers!
Okay enough of that nonsense and on to the delicious recipe. I saw an episode of Oprah years and years ago featuring some of her favorite recipes, this was of course one of them and all the credit goes to Patti LaBelle. In case any lawyers are reading this let me be clear. This is her recipe. I didn't create it nor am I claiming any right to it. I've simply enjoyed it time and time again and in fact, everyone, yes everyone I've made it for has as well. Thanks Patti for creating this and thanks Oprah for sharing it with the world!
I implore you to try this for your next big family gathering, or big dinner party. You might not think of Mac n Cheese as being very "dinner partyish" but trust me it will be the hit of the evening!
Patti LaBelle's "Over the Rainbow Macaroni and Cheese"
Serves 6
1 TBS Vegetable Oil
1 Lbs. Elbow Macaroni, dried
8 TBS Butter, plus 1 TBS butter
1/2 C (2 oz.) each of Shredded Munster, Mild Cheddar, Sharp Cheddar & Monterrey Jack Cheeses (I tend to always add a little extra)
2C Half n Half
1C (8oz.) Velveeta, diced into small cubes
2 Large Eggs, lightly beaten
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp ground pepper
Lightly butter a 2 1/2 quart casserole dish and pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
Prepare macaroni using the oil. Do not overcook. Drain and return to pot. In a large saucepan melt the stick of butter and stir in macaroni.
In a large bowl mix all the cheeses and set aside.
To the macaroni add the half n half, 1 1/2 cups of the cheese mix, Velveeta and eggs. Season with salt and pepper.
Transfer to the casserole dish and sprinkle with the remaining cheese mix. Dot the top of the casserole with the remaining butter.
Bake for 35 mins or until bubbling at the edges.
And I couldn't help but add these pictures. I love that you can order it as a T-shirt or as a stamp. Truly for the lover of cheese and pasta. I wonder if it comes as a onesie, I'd surely order one for Baby Fig!

Happy Cooking!
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