I am a technology goddess and I'm not afraid to brag!
For weeks now I've wanted to post music on my blog. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm totally obsessed with my ipod now that I can listen to it in my car. It's addicting I tell you, totally addicting! Couple this newly fueled obsession with my recent addiction to British rock circa the 1980's and you have my mind set these last couple of months.
As you all know I'm very technologically challenged and so in addition to not really knowing if it was even possible I was pretty sure even if it was I'd have no way of knowing how to link or post to my blog. However, thanks to Stephenie Meyer (doesn't it always come back to Twilight?) and her wonderful website I figured it out all on my own! Apparently all you have to do is visit this little gem of a website and you too can create your own musical play list. Did I mention it is free?! How cool is that? For the record I have purchased all these songs either on tape in the actual 1980's or more recently on Itunes but I digress...
Each of these songs brings back specific memories for me as they may for you... One of my very first "boyfriends" if you can call it that in jr. high was obsessed with New Order and Blue Monday still reminds me of him. Did anyone else's boyfriend give them one (or more!) swatch watches to wear indicating that you were "going together"?
And of course didn't we all have that one friend who ALWAYS had the very coolest new album that was of course NEVER played on the radio. eek gad, who would dare listen to pop rock! Somehow this person not only had the coolest music she somehow already knew all the words too! Looking back I think I have to credit the fact that she had a pretty cool older brother to help out a bit. Even though it's been over 25 years since we first met I'm so glad to say I still keep in touch with this particular friend. So many of these songs remind me of her but especially The Smiths and Morrissey not to mention The Cure. She's now a mom of her own with a precious baby girl but I'm willing to bet she's still one of the coolest people I know.
I hope you enjoy this blast from the past as much I have. I've added a couple of recently released songs that I particularly like as well. Personally, I think DH is eagerly looking forward to my next musical obsession as I tend to over do it on whatever I'm currently "in to" but maybe thats just my perception. Did I mention I'm also in the midst of a sparkling water obsession?
Oh and now that I know how to post these, you can probably expect a new list when I move on to a new musical genre. My guess.... 90's rap or TX outlaw country... just a hunch.
Happy Tunes!
For weeks now I've wanted to post music on my blog. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm totally obsessed with my ipod now that I can listen to it in my car. It's addicting I tell you, totally addicting! Couple this newly fueled obsession with my recent addiction to British rock circa the 1980's and you have my mind set these last couple of months.
As you all know I'm very technologically challenged and so in addition to not really knowing if it was even possible I was pretty sure even if it was I'd have no way of knowing how to link or post to my blog. However, thanks to Stephenie Meyer (doesn't it always come back to Twilight?) and her wonderful website I figured it out all on my own! Apparently all you have to do is visit this little gem of a website and you too can create your own musical play list. Did I mention it is free?! How cool is that? For the record I have purchased all these songs either on tape in the actual 1980's or more recently on Itunes but I digress...
Each of these songs brings back specific memories for me as they may for you... One of my very first "boyfriends" if you can call it that in jr. high was obsessed with New Order and Blue Monday still reminds me of him. Did anyone else's boyfriend give them one (or more!) swatch watches to wear indicating that you were "going together"?
And of course didn't we all have that one friend who ALWAYS had the very coolest new album that was of course NEVER played on the radio. eek gad, who would dare listen to pop rock! Somehow this person not only had the coolest music she somehow already knew all the words too! Looking back I think I have to credit the fact that she had a pretty cool older brother to help out a bit. Even though it's been over 25 years since we first met I'm so glad to say I still keep in touch with this particular friend. So many of these songs remind me of her but especially The Smiths and Morrissey not to mention The Cure. She's now a mom of her own with a precious baby girl but I'm willing to bet she's still one of the coolest people I know.
I hope you enjoy this blast from the past as much I have. I've added a couple of recently released songs that I particularly like as well. Personally, I think DH is eagerly looking forward to my next musical obsession as I tend to over do it on whatever I'm currently "in to" but maybe thats just my perception. Did I mention I'm also in the midst of a sparkling water obsession?
Oh and now that I know how to post these, you can probably expect a new list when I move on to a new musical genre. My guess.... 90's rap or TX outlaw country... just a hunch.
Happy Tunes!
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