Thursday, April 1, 2010

Recipe of the Week ~ Bunny Bread

No April Fools Jokes here my friends. It really has more to do with the fact that I'm the absolute worst at pranks. The few times I've attempted they are either A) not funny or B) not funny. Take your pick. Plus I'm ridiculously gullible so I in turn fall for every last one of them.

Sure, I can dish out a sardonic quip here or there but gut wrenching shocks and belly laughing surprises are not my expertise. Instead I'm giving you one of my most favorite recipes that is tied to some of my most favorite memories.

Like most major holidays, I grew up spending it with family. In my case "family" included my godparents, who incidentally also happened to be my parents' best friends. Easter was no exception.

I have very fond memories of my Godsister (what? yes it's a real term) making her famous deviled eggs  several of which always came out tinted a light pink from the the dye seeping in. And then there is the official bread of Easter... no I'm not getting all religious on you and discussing mana or the body of Christ....

No, I'm talking about Bunny Bread, natch.

I don't remember what year it was first printed in the Houston Chronicle but I'd say it was sometime in the mid-80's. My godmother clipped the recipe and we've been making it every year since then. In fact one year DH and I spent the holiday with his oldest sister and her family and they were kind enough to make it with me that year. Now, I'm pretty certain it's a tradition of their own!

This is not only fun and easy to make with kids, it's also really really tasty! And not to get all schmaltzy on you but I hope you'll try making it with your family. We most certainly will be.

I'm thinking I just might let the baby boy help roll out the dough. I mean why bother cooking if you can't get some flour on the floor every once in awhile!

tee hee hee note: I just pulled out the recipe card to type it out here when I noticed that next to the title: Bunny Bread, Mamere wrote "Easter" in parenthesis. Really Mamere? Did you think I was going to get confused and serve Bunny Bread on President's Day? You are too cute. 

Bunny Bread
Makes 1 large bunny

5 1/2 C All-purpose flour
2 C       Carrots, grated
3/4 C    Walnuts
2 TBS   Sugar
1/2 tsp   Salt
2 pkg.   Rapid Rise Yeast
1 C       Water
2/3 C    Milk
3 TBS  Butter
1           Egg
Raisin for bunny eyes and whiskers

Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Set aside 1 cup of flour in a large bowl. Mix remaining flour, carrots, walnuts, sugar, salt and yeast in a large bowl.

In a saucepan over low heat cook water, milk and butter until hot to touch. Stir into dry ingredients and Mix in only enough of the reserved flour to make dough soft.

On a lightly floured surface knead dough until elastic (8-10  mins). Cover and let rest for 10 mins in a warm place.

Okay, I've read mamere's directions for making the bunny a few times and even I think they are confusing so here's my attempt....

Divide the dough appropriately to make the body, paws and ears on a greased baking sheet. Then add raisins for the eyes and whiskers. Cover loosely with towel and place baking sheet with covered bunny over a bowl of hot water for 20 mins.

Brush all over with a beaten egg and bake for 25-30 minutes. Let rest before tearing at the limbs. :)

This is basically what it should look like.... although ours have smaller paws and ears than this one. Not sure but am thinking he had one too many salted margaritas last night, perhaps that caused all the swelling in the paws.



Ashley said...

Oh I just have to make this. Jack would love it! I'll let you know how it turns out if I do. Thanks
for sharing. Happy Easter!

Ouiser B. said...

oh yay!!!!!! Pls take pics if you do! I'll do the same, there really should be better bunny bread pics on the web ;)

tony said...

jack and coop just may be making the bunny bread this weekend.

there will be crying involved.

Ouiser B. said...

**giggle giggle** I bet they'll be adorable!

ps there are tears at our house for any number of reasons and on a daily basis.