Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Art, Love & the Influence of Wine

It is not time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy;-- it is disposition alone. Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others
~ Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility


During last weekend's wine fueled dinner party I was discussing how art evokes emotion and immediately this photograph came to mind. It is an Ansel Adams photo take in 1937 during a several week tour he took with Geogia O'Keefe and others in Ghost Range, New Mexico. The gentleman in the photo with O'Keefe is Orville Cox, the tour's wrangler. 

At one point during dinner I actually went digging in one of our closets to find the framed poster of this photo I used to have hanging in my fluffy romantic single girl's apartment to illustrate my point. I never found it but have been thinking about it since then. 

I don't want to start any rumors, Ms. O'Keefe was not in love with Mr. Cox. Nevertheless this always makes me feel as if I'm witnessing the intimate moments of first love. The feeling of sheer excitement and terror to simply be in that person's presence. The inability not to smile and the desire to wrap oneself in the newness of those emotions. And on his part, I see the shyness and nervousness to look into the eyes of such intense emotion. 

Le Sigh, 

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