Monday, February 22, 2010

Is Rob Pattinson Taking Over the World? Or Am I Just Too Obsessed?

So it's been a pretty eventful week or two in the Twi-world ~ fan obsessed ~ Rob Pattinson universe. This of course will come as no surprise to anyone in said world but for those of you that only occasionally put your toe in the big twi-world swimming pool I'll be happy to share with you what those of us all prune-y from swimming in it have been discussing and drooling over.

1. Details Magazine. Umm wow, this photo shoot and accompanying video are hot... like Thoms. Crown Affair meets The Saint meets James Bond kinda hot. I'll just leave it at the fact that I've seen the letters NSFW more over the last week than I have in my entire time on line. yay, think about that.  I'm guessing that there is an article to go along with the pictures but frankly it doesn't so much matter. Although I'm sure I'll justify buying the magazine... you know, "for the articles".

2. New Eclipse "stills". Now if you are a newbie into the world of celebrity obsession you may not know this (I didn't) but studios distribute pictures from movie sets as teasers. And to be honest I don't get what all the fuss is about but I'm sharing it anyway cause I'm nothing if not thorough in my Twi-session.

3. BAFTA NIGHT!! Did you host a BAFTA watching party last night? Complete with themed menus and print out score cards, natch. Okay, if you're scratching your head and wondering if BAFTA is another new Olympic sport, it's not.  It's the British Academy of Film & Television Arts awards, kinda like our Oscars. And yes the lovely (and sincerely she did look lovely) KStew and adorkable (yes he seriously looked both adorable and dorky) RPattz were on hand to give out and in KStew's case, accept awards. And while I just couldn't muster the energy to jump into the insane online chatter about his hair ~ Too flat, too young, too greasy... too much for me! ~ I do think I prefer the scruff to the clean shaven look.

photos courtesy of PopSugar

Well that's it for my weekly R. Pattz update errrrr, **shakes head** I didn't just say that, did I? This will not be a weekly thing I promise errr, I think it won't be.

Now off to another cup of joe and some "reviewing" of last night's award show.... *sigh*... again.


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