Monday, February 8, 2010

How Have We Not Talked about Amazon?

In the midst of being house bound over the extended weekend I did some browsing on other people's blogs and found this blog has a great category that I am unabashedly going to steal.... "How Have We Not Talked About This?" So great right? Especially because I'm pretty much always late to the party be it cultural references, tv shows, viral videos, and yes even blogs.

Blog Credit: Thanks for the tip G-man, wouldn't have found it with out you!

So with that in mind... How have we not talked about Amazon!?!?

For years I only used Amazon to buy the occasional book that I couldn't find at (or too lazy to check) my neighborhood book store. Apparently I didn't get the memo that you can in fact find anything and everything you need, don't need, think you might need one day and know you'll never need but better to buy it just in case... all conveniently located on your laptop. 

My DBIL (that's darling brother in law) mentioned one year that he signed up for free shipping on all of his Amazon orders for some ridiculously low annual fee. At the time I thought, well I'd never need that, I hardly ever order anything from Amazon. But now that I'm home with two munchkins still in car seats and only one that can walk, err toddle I'm all like WHERE IS THAT OPTION?
Does it work just to throw cash at my monitor??

So far this month we've ordered eight e-books for my kindle (more here), one "real" book, a sesame street toy remote for the precious one, some nursing-mom things (trust me, don't ask), DH's Valentines day present **giggle giggle** and a crib rail cover in the third round attempt to keep the precious one from eating his crib. Incidentally he's already gotten through the paint and into the wood. So if there are learning "problems" somewhere along the way I think we all know what (and not who) to blame. 

Wonder if my order is in there??

I mean other than my discovery of which by the way is AMAZING! I think Amazon may be my most favorite store ever!

Best wishes that you find everything you never knew you needed and more! 



Sandi said...

I just hate to rain on your "Amazon" parade, but after having to replace my AmEx card twice and maybe three times in less than 12 months, I believe I have identified the culpret and would you believe it is AMAZON. If this latest false purchase (to Amazon Prime) is proven false, I will never use Amazon again and will suggest the same to others, at least to all my friends!

Ouiser B. said...

Oh no... there's been a #3?? I thought it was the online pharmacy?