Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Addicted to Baskin Robbins Commercial... You Too?

So wow, its been like a week since my last post and I'll be honest the last post was lame and pretty sucky. Not that I don't love Neimans or big sales, in fact other than my immediate family and a big jar of nutella there isn't much I like more than a sale, especially if it's at Neiman's but you're right I didn't so much give it my all. Oh and I also love wine, like a lot... so my immediate family, nutella and wine. Yep those are my favorite things.

I don't have much of an excuse, well you know other than the fact that I'm busy trying to shape the minds of two (sometimes three) men so get off my back! side note: Baby duex totally rolled over the other night. Like I said before, genius. Clearly DH and I make some pretty freakin' great kids.

But never fear, cause Mamere is here! (yes that is meant to rhyme and be sung a la Mighty Mouse theme song)

Not only can Christmas officially begin with my mother's arrival I will also have time to do all those luxurious things I've been putting off... you know like showering, brushing my hair, putting on clean clothes... and if you dear reader are really lucky some new blog posts for your enjoyment as you hide from your family and pretend to be "catching up on news." Yep I've used that excuse too, but usually because I'm reading some salacious fan fiction.

But enough about me and my inability to efficiently manage my sleep to work time ratio....

Have you seen the Baskin Robins Ice Cream Cake Commercial? Its hilarious, like beat yourself over the head with a baseball bat repeatedly hilarious. I'm pretty sure this commercial... much like Celine Dion... is something you either totally love and are obsessed with or makes your ears bleed. I'm in the former group. It literally makes me dance in my seat when I hear it and yes I totally sing along- off key and mostly getting the words wrong. Just one more thing that makes DH cringe with embarrassment. I'm not sure if he's more embarrassed for me or of me.

So with out further ado here it is. Let me know if you think I'm crazy to love it or if it makes you want to pull out your hair.

And I will try my best to take advantage of mamere's visit to post some more deep, meaningful and thoughtful posts... like today's!


1 comment:

Sandi said...

Oh honey, You need to get out more often. Your level of amusment is between that of a 2 month old and a two year old. They are truly having an effect on you.

ma mere