Monday, November 2, 2009

Rob Pattinson ~ The Post I Never Wanted to Write

I told myself I wouldn't go this far. I swore I could stop myself. I am too old... I am above the drama... I have too much self respect... I don't really care enough. Apparently none of these are true.

Hi, my name is Ouiser and I'm a Twilight addict.

Okay, I KNOW I'm not as bad as some of the ladies out there. I'm not attending conventions, I'm not sleeping in an Edward Cullen nightie and I've never purchased a magazine just to read about Twilight or the actors in the films. Truly, I tell you while I might glance at the cover art as I walk past, I have no problem steering away from Teen Bop, Tiger Beat, OK magazine and any number of magazines featuring the actors from the Twilight series. I'm not vying for any Twilight merchandise or the super sized mega poster for my wall. And all my self mockery aside I NEVER thought I'd post a picture of Robert Pattinson on my blog. I swear!

Until now...
And who do I blame? Surely it's not my fault, if anything I'm the innocent victim here. And no, it can't be adorable RPatz's fault. He's really just a kid. (I do have to remind myself frequently that I'm 10 years older then the boy.) No, I put the blame solely on Vanity Fair. Okay and if I'm totally honest I also blame ROBsessedBlog. They always have the BEST pictures! I was sucked in by Bruce Weber's incredibly creative and beautiful photos (Note: It makes it okay when the photographer is famous and not just Pauly the Paparazzi) and was tickled by Evgenia Peretsz's profile teaser for their December issue which features Rob on it's cover (natch).

Somehow when I see the paparazzi pictures I just feel so bad for the young lad and frankly anyone that he is close to. And no I'm sooooooo not segueing into the "are they" "aren't they" dating debate. But seriously when I caught a glimpse of the amount of people following him out of LAX my first thought was ... "Good Lord, someone get this poor boy a gift card to Marquis Jet!" No joking, you can really buy one at Neimans or Bergdorf Goodman. Mmm, Bergdorf's..... that makes me start thinking about shoes. Oh and their whole first floor just makes me drool. It's probably my favorite thing about visiting New York. All the wonderful smells and clothes and accessories.

Wait, where was I? Oh yes, private planes....

I mean it isn't on my Christmas list but if I was in his position it would be well worth the financial cost to fly privately. If you actually think about it, I'd be willing to bet that a flight from Vancouver to LA is less than the cost of a week in a suite in the Chateau Marmont. And it may be all a studio ploy to play up the upcoming release of New Moon, but I'm just saying.

Okay so back to VF and the pictures. Here I go... I've told you how embarrassed I am to write this post but I hope after you take a look at the photographic evidence you won't hold it against me. They are simply too yummy not to share! Drool away my friend...

Phheww, now that that's totally out of my system, I promise not to post anything like this again. Okay, who am I kidding? How about, I promise to TRY not to post anything like this. Frankly folks, that's the best I can offer you!

Mea Culpa,


1 comment:

marilyn said...

OMG, those photos are GORGEOUS. Who wouldn't drool over those!