Monday, August 17, 2009

First Post

I should probably begin by admiting that I don't speak a lick of French, I'm just playing around with ideas and Le Coeur de la Vie means the heart of life (or so says my online translator). As a (somewhat) new stay at home mom, I've found that it takes a little bit more effort to stay in "the real world" then it did when I was working. I thought this would be a fun thing for me to do to keep up with the outside world and share my thoughts. With whom am I sharing these thoughts? Probably my mother and husband. I can't imagine many more would find it interesting. And frankly they may not either, but they are sorta required to at least fain interest for my benefit.

I don't have a specific direction in mind for this blog, especially since I haven't spent much time reading any blogs so we'll see where this goes.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

This is my second attempt to post a comment. I hope I get it right this time.

As "the mother" I read I am suppose to at least fain interest in your blog. But think for a moment, as mother yourself, how often recently have you asked yourself, "I wish I knew what Colin was chattering on about"? As "the mother" I don't have to fain interest, everything you do and say and think is of interest to me. Do you remember the 21 birthday cards I sent you on your 21st. birthday, each with a special memory of your growing up that I have stored in a precious box within my heart? As a mother, you too are now filling a precious box within your heart with special moments in Colin's life that will never leave you, that are now part of the experiences of your life.

I read your blogs with delight for the insight and joy they bring to me and the memories that spring out of the precious "mother box" in my heart.