Monday, May 24, 2010

Twilight Reaches Door County

I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't holding my breathe that the ONE movie theater in a 100 mile radius of the tiny little vacation hamlet of Door County, Wisconsin was going to show Eclipse BUT I was wrong and I have my DBIL to thank!

I believe I've mentioned that Mr. O (also known as DH) and I are packing up Little Mister and Baby Deux and heading to the midwest for a week in Door County with his parents, his three siblings and their spouses and everyone's kids for a total of SEVENTEEN people! Did I mention I'm an only child? yeah, I am. 

Oh AND we'll be there during the release of Eclipse. Luckily, my adorable niece is also a twi-hard ~ cause it's appropriate at her age ~ so I won't have to go alone!

But I'm getting ahead of myself. While I've signed up for Fandago's "twilight movie updates" they haven't sent me a gosh darn thing! Not one little email to say, we're still working on your request, don't give up hope, we'll find a theater near you that is showing Eclipse.

Well never fear Super BIL is here! He saved the day by emailing the theater directly. (Just so you know, he's like super smart!) And shockingly enough they responded. Not only are they planning to show Eclipse they are even offering a midnight showing! Squuuueeeee. 

Now, what to wear?! Only another 37 days to figure it out. 



Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

I'm pleased to see another card-carrying adult who has a "Twilight", ahem, enthusiasm on par with mine. I'm already worried about how I'll get to see "Eclipse" with baby in tow - maybe I'll go to a tween-heavy screening so the squeals drown out the crying?

Ouiser B. said...

Hello Ms. Pretty!

Oh that's what AH is for!! I saw New Moon when Baby Deux was only 10 days old. Mr. O thought I was crazy. And I did pay for it the next day but it was worth it!!