Sunday, September 26, 2010

Show & Tell ~ What I Did This Summer

*tap tap taps microphone* Helloooo? Is this thing on? Is anybody out there? Its me.... You remember, you're good pal Ouisey! (bonus points if you recognize the movie line)

Any who, Mr. O and I had a very busy summer with the littles (see more below) who incidentally are not so little anymore! Baby Duex is nearly 11 months old and 21 lbs. That's right TWENTY-ONE pounds! What happened to my teeny tiny newborn? And Little Mister is speaking in complete sentences... "Mommy up" and "I want snacks" or my personal favorite "Mommy, poo poo pee pee."

With so much going on this summer, the blog suffered. However, with the arrival of fall things seem more scheduled and so I'm going to attempt to return to the world of mommy blogging. I don't know how frequently I'll visit but you can assure I'll be tackling the big issues of the day.... Mad Men, moisturizers and mommy-hood. Yep, I'm still just a erudite as you remember.

Now, on to show and tell. I hope you find this pictorial montage more interesting that dinner at your neighbor's house while being forced to watch reel after reel of their summer family road trip to Wally World.

Birthday parties

Beach time with the COOLEST cousin

Inspecting Mamere's Canterbury Cafe

Flirting with the "townies"

Bonding with Daddy

Summertime Napping

Chasing girls in the park

Making best friends

What did you and yours do this summer? I'd love to hear!



marilyn said...

you're back - YAY! i have missed my ouiser posts tremendously :)

tanisesther said...

welcome BAAAAAAACK!!!!! Oh how I have missed you so! I am sick and tired of checking in to that cheese grits post! (while looking more and more delicious every time....) The boys are as cute as I remembered. Please give ALL your men big hugs from me and let me say again....WELCOME BACK! I have missed your sunshine face.