Monday, April 26, 2010

Obligatory Twilight Eclipse Post

Yep, this is exactly what it looks like... A post about the newly released trailer for Eclipse.

If you don't know what Eclipse is or why I'm posting the trailer you should go ahead and outclick cause this is not the post (or the blog) for you.

For the rest of you twi-rob-cullen-vampire-sessed fans you already know that it aired on Friday's Oprah. And because Oprah is on in the morning in Chicago, more than a few "versions" hit the Internet about 10 seconds later. And by "versions" I mean people actually videotapping their television screens and then uploaded to Youtube. I actually watched one of these around 9:05 am and it was hilarious ~ bad audio and I think I could kinda see the person's living room reflected in the screen. 

With in moments of Summit releasing the official trailer the criticisms began. Bad makeup ~ worst wigs ~ and an engagement ring from hell are just a few things I heard. But there was some good as well... Helloooo Team Riley! Thanks for joining the party, you sir are a cutie pie. And of course I saw more than a few tweets about a certain vampire's umm "guns"? Who knew you were so buff Dr. Cullen?

So I've got two little gems *wink wink* for you today. The first is the official trailer courtesy of Summit Entertainment. 

Exciting right!? I can't wait to see it in the theaters. Fingers crossed it'll be playing in Door County, where I'll be on June 30th while vacationing with DH and his entire family. Thank the good Lord of all things Twilight, my adorable wish-I-was-that-cute-in-highschool niece and fellow twi-fan will be with me. Although I am pretty sure I'll be the one squealing like a teen-aged girl and she'll be playing it much cooler. 

And because I can't help being a little snarky, here is the engagement ring. Now, to be fair I didn't care for the ring as described by Stephenie Meyer in the book either but this is just plane ugly. And while I'm on the subject, I also take issue with the fact that it is more of a cocktail ring than engagement ring! But I'll be honest if Mr. Hottie Darcy-esque vampire ask me to marry him with a ring made out of twine I'd likely say ... Yes, please! How about here and now??

THE Ring....

Really? Reeeeaaalllly? It looks like something you'd find in a box of cracker jack!

I think this is a much better ring for the (ridiculously marriage phobic) little Mrs.
Note: This ring can be found at my all time favorite shop (and where DH's and my wedding rings came from) The Menagerie in Austin Texas. 

Cheers & Jeers, 

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