Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Late to the Party but Still Laughing!

I think we can all agree that I'm not exactly "cutting edge" and I'm always late to the party... example A and example B. So if you've seen this clip forgive me!

Never the less it makes me laugh hysterically every time I watch it so I'm going to post it anyway. I mean I guess there is an off chance you missed SNL this week or perhaps you missed any number of emails, blog posts and tweets linking to the clip on Sunday. Yep, it's now Tuesday, hardly breaking news I know. Well at least *I'm guessing* this will be new for Mamere. Of course Mamere probably won't think it's funny. Infact, she'll probably scold me for posting something with profanity. Tisk Tisk Ms. Ousier!

Okay enough with all the set up... Happy Politic-ing!

**Profanity warning** Yes, it's bleeped out but there is still a lot of it, so you've been forewarned!**

Okay what was your favorite part? Mine? Oh you're so sweet to ask... Well I'll tell you, it was the Facebook bit. What are you fourteen? hee hee I can't stop laughing!


1 comment:

Sandi said...

My computer would not only NOT play your SNL video, when I tried to play it is disappeared! It has not returned even after turning off my computer.

May have been funny, but must have been really bad too.

Can't wait to watch it at your house the next time I visit. hee hee hee.