Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New Version of Folger's Commercial

What a coincidence, the same week I write about how much I love and still cry during the Folger's Commercial circa the 1980s they actually remake the commercial for today's generation! Of course this time "Peter" is coming home from Africa... we can only assume he's on some humanitarian volunteering mission, natch.

Oh how we've changed since the 1980's but that is an entirely different post and although I LOVE talking politics I've pretty much decided to avoid the topic on this blog lest I get into some online ranting which seems particularly pointless. Can't we all just get along??

Where was I? Oh yes, coffee commercials...

This version isn't quite as sappy and sentimental as the original (sequels rarely are) nevertheless I still teared up when I saw it last night and thought I'd share it with you since I'd written about the original version in this post.

Expecting a clip of the new ad right? Yep, this is the space I'd planned on adding it but I'm pretty sure it's not online, atleast I didn't find it during my 30 second google search. Clearly I'm a research genius. But I did find this post ranting about the new ad. If it does get posted online I'll try to remeber to add it. Of course these days I'm lucky to remember to shower. Oh and check out the comments, the aunt of the actor playing the new "Peter" gets a little defensive. Ouch! See, this is why I try to keep this blog positive!

I'm still working out a schedule with DH and the babies so my blog is suffering and for that I apologize. Frankly, if I stopped reading fan fiction I could probably still get a quick post in everyday but well, I can't seem to stop. I know if DH is reading this he'll roll his eyes and snicker at this next point but really there are some tremendously talented writers out there. Kudos to you ladies!!!

Seriously, I think I'm currently more addicted to fan fiction than to Edward & Bella and the whole Twilight gang. Eeeek did I actually admit that? Mmm, don't hate me SM I'm of course still waiting with baited breath for Midnight Sun and frankly anything else you dream up and write about.

Okay, off to browse the world of twitter and probably some fan fiction if I'm honest before baby deux wakes up demanding to be fed. He's so needy like that.



Jonathan said...

My wife found the video you were talking about, I'll link it here for your viewing pleasure. I also really liked this video, so I'm happy to share it.


Ouiser B. said...

Thanks for the link Jonathan! I'll be sure and add it along with an update...