Friday, October 23, 2009

New Moon ~ Volturi Fight Scene

Maybe it's because I went to my first Twilight party last night or maybe it's because I'm rereading New Moon in preparation for the movie but either way I just can't get enough....

Check out the newest clip of Edward taking on the Volturi in the upcoming film, New Moon. I think New Moon is going to kick Twilight's arse... don't you?

If for some reason you've been living under a rock, in a cave or a nuclear fall out shelter and are not familiar with or more to the point obsessed with Twilight I will explain. New Moon is the second book in the four book series about Edward Cullen, angst vampire extraordinaire and his girl, Bella Swan.

The movie adaptation is arriving in theaters next month. I'm determined to see it opening weekend although since I will have a 10 day old newborn in the house I'm not sure the midnight screening is my best option. Matinee anyone???

I've got chills, they're multiplying and I'm loooosing control.... Seriously yall, doesn't it give you goosebumps and make you tingly all over????


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